So you want sauce at least we've got far. Now we decide what were going to have to eat...

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Contemplation of our Lord Jesus Christ (The Lords Prayer revisited)

Lord in Honour of you in your mercy we are blessed

We prey to you in thanksgiving for what we have and want for

We ask through the goodness of our hearts that your light shine upon us, the light that we all are and know ourselves to be

When in sin you are with us, Oh! Lord, Oh! Heavenly Father grant us mercy

If things go wrong for us, My Lord, Our Heavenly Father you are here for us, grant us peace

Oh! Heavenly Father have redemption on our souls for our lives and grant us happiness

That we should seek justice Oh! Heavenly Father, Oh! Lord that you be there for us all glorious in your splendour and beauty

Praise be to the Lord, Our God, Oh! Heavenly Father


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